Oh, I know, because we are a nation of idiots. Anyways, I was emailing back and forth with some friends of mine in New Zealand this week regarding the pandemic and what not. I asked how things were going down there, because I heard from different news sites, they were pretty much back to normal, and since I like to get my info from different sources, I figured I would just ask my friends.
I reached out and was told this. YES! They have been back to normal since April, and not some bullshit “new normal” that we are probably gonna have to deal with for quite some time here in The States. I was told when New Zealand was first warned about the virus, they just shut everything down for a month! Only things open were grocery stores, gas stations, hospitals, and other essential services. People did not leave their homes except for essential trips, and when they did, they wore a mask (even though there was no mandate or law to do so). They locked down their borders, listened to the experts, and kicked Corona’s ass!
Now, they are BACK TO NORMAL! Going to the movies (even though there is no new movies…but hey, who doesn’t want to see TOP GUN for the millionth time? They go to bars. They go to restaurants. They do what they want without a mask these days because they rallied together as a country, and did what they had to do. Even though it probably inconvenienced many of them for a WHOLE month or so!
But here’s the best part…you know what? They DID NOT have any of their “freedoms” taken from them. They didn’t have any microchips “implanted” in their heads. They didn’t have any “vaccination barcodes” tattooed on their foreheads. They can STILL use cash, and they didn’t think that they were being “played” by some “deep state baby eating conspiracy”.
They just got together as a country. You know, kinda like we used to do in America! Oh wait, we don’t do that anymore…probably because Corona Virus isn’t some camel jockey with a funny name that like to hijack planes. Damn shame. Could you imagine how UNITED we would be if Corona virus looked like a brown skinned, long bearded, RPG launching, HIGH JACKER? I bet even every Donald Trump MAGA hat purchased would even come with a face mask and some hand sanitizer!
But please, before you start your “New Zealand is an island! New Zealand has different laws! New Zealand ain’t America!” argument, just know this.
I agree with you. New Zealand AIN’T America. And as an American, it shames me to say that.